This Program concerns systems of up to 10 kWp, in the toproof (terrace) or the roof (including terrace covers) of a building which is used as residence or accommodation for very small enterprises. The Program covers the entire Region.

All the natural persons who are not traders and natural or legal persons who are traders and are classified to the small-sized companies (up to 10 employees and 2 million euro total revenue), which possess the space where the PV system is installed, have the right to participate in the Program. In case the PV system is in a communal space of the building, then the installation of ONLY one system is permitted. The right to participate in the Program have the owners of flat ownerships represented upon agreement by the administrator of all owners or one of them upon concession to use the communal space, under liability of the interested persons. Necessary precondition for a PV System to enter into the Program is to have an electric power link in the property where the system is installed. Moreover, when the property where the PV system is installed is used as residence, it is necessary part of the thermal needs of the property for hot service water to be covered by the use of renewable energy sources (e.g. sun thermal systems, solar water heaters). It is also important to meet the thermal needs of the building (heating – cooling and hot service water) and every one has to co-estimate by taking into account the energy class of the building which will influence its value. In any case, the system of the water heater for the conversion of the solar radiation to useful heat is necessary in order to improve the energy status of the building and that is the reason why its existence will be a prerequisite so that the PV installation enters into the Program.

With unanimous decision of the General Assembly or by written consent of all the co-owners of the building.

No, because this right does not also entail the right of exclusive use of the terrace, which remains of common ownership and use until the construction of the over top floor.

Yes, if it is not forbidden according to explicit provision of the regulation. In this case the system will be connected with the counter (clock) of DEI of his residence and the incoming will be received by him.

The process is simple. No energy license is required. For the PV connection and the selling of the energy, the producer addresses to the local services of DEI by singing 2 relative contracts; one for the installation of the counter and one for the selling of the energy. The low power of the PV systems makes sure that the energy produced corresponds to that required in order to meet the energy needs of the PV system owner. As a consequence, there are no tax obligations for the owner of the PV system which derive from the disposal of this energy to the Network. The citizen, who is producer/consumer, has no tax or insurance obligations (opening of books, invoice issuance, insurance etc.) whether he is a trader or not.

All the costs are included in the so-called ‘cost per installed kW’ which is 2000 to 3500 per kW (depending on the quality of materials). The only cost which is not included in this price is the possible cost for the security of the equipment from sabotage etc. It should be noted that in most cases the equipment is covered by a guarantee greater than 10 years.

A new clock will be placed with double a counter for measurement of the produced energy from the PV installation and the low energy absorbed by the inverter during the night and maybe possible accompanying equipment (e.g. camera, alarm). The cost of the clock is paid by the producer as it happens in all cases which have to do with connection to the network of DEI which is an S.A. Besides this, the connection cost in most cases does not exceed 1000€ and thus it is very small in comparison to PV installation cost. Examples of installation with the investment cost per technology and the redemption. In a roof surface of about 80 m2 with no obstacles that may cause shadow, a 10kWp system may be installed. The installation surface for such a system can be reduced if hybrid PV frames are used. The redemption depends on the compensation of the energy unit produced (0,495 € per kWh) and the energy produced (1 kWp produces on average 1300kWh per year with conventional PV panels and 1400kWh per year with hybrid PV panels. At the same time, the energy demanded for household consumption is 4.000 -6.000 kwh/ year, which costs 0,12€/kwh and is equal to 5-7 kw energy produced by the PV system. The counting of the energy produced happens at the same time with the counting of the energy consumed. The clearance is carried out by DEI SA or other supply license holder, who performs for this reason in the electricity bill of the property credit registration. With the accounting set-off of the incoming from the energy produced and the cost of the energy consumed, the bill of DEI will be credit.

The price of the sold energy, deducted by the amount of the overall bill of DEI will be presented in a credit account of DEI and it will be received by the owner of the PV system. If the owner is the administrator of the residential building, then the system will be connected with the communal counter (clock) of DEI and the incomings will be received by the administrator and will be distributed correspondingly to the co-owners.

DEI will undertake the implementation of the program. Its computerized system is adapted to the new demands and by the issuance of the Common Ministerial Decision it will be completely ready.

The installation that interest us are up to 10 kW and at first level there will be no upper limit for the overall power which will be installed in the region. It is possible that there will be in the future decision on whether there will be an upper limit by co-estimating also the overall power of bigger stations.

The price at which the electrical power is sold to the Network includes a subsidy. Moreover, by this way, the citizen does not have to prepare the file, be subject to evaluation, approval, control, etc.

According to new ministerial decision (September 2010) from the Ministries of Finance and Environment, the Special Program of PV Systems Development extends also to Non-interconnected Islands. In particular, for the Mainland, the Connected Islands and Crete, maximum power is 10kWp and for Non-Interconnected Islands 5 kWp. EXAMPLE If someone installs in a roof of 70 m2 10 kW which cost 25,000€ and takes loan with concessional terms given the 25-year contract and installs a PV system: 10 Kw * 1350 kwh* 0,495 €/kwh = 6,682 € incoming/year From these the loan is paid which means redemption of his own money in 4,3 years and redemption with the interests of the bank in 5-5,5 years. On the other hand, an average household (with electrical appliances and lighting) consumes on average 7,000kWh/year 
 7.000 kwh* 0,12 €/kwh= 840 € cost/year.

All the electricity produced by the PV system is transmitted to the network of DEI and for this you are paid 49,5 cents per kwh (0,0.495 €/kWh), a price which is guaranteed for 25 years. You continue to buy power from DEI and pay in the price you pay it today (about 10-12 cents per kwh). This actually means that DEI will install a new counter to register the energy produced. If for example, in the period of 4 months your PV system produced electricity of 2,500 € value and you consume energy of 200€ value, your credit account will be 2,300€, an amount that DEI will deposit at your bank account.

To start with, the space should have no shadow and if possible, the PV system should be oriented to the south and have an inclination of about 30 degrees. If the preconditions are not satisfied (if the roof is in shadow, or it is not oriented to the south), the PV system will give a reduced performance. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the investment is not economically viable. The number of square meters you need depends on the space of installation (rooftop or sloped roof) and from the PV technology that you will choose. In a rooftop, for example you will need about 12-15 square meters for every kw, (9-12 m2 with hybrid PV panels), which in a roof 7-10 m2 (5-6 for hybrid PV panels). The company that will provide you the equipment will estimate exactly the space you need.

The average weight of the PV system with the mounting structure is about 20-25 kg per m2. Consequently, it is proven that there is no problem, especially in new buildings, since the roof is designed in order to bear objects with greater weight.

Of course. In this case we have many benefits. On one hand, the green roof cools the PV and increases its performance. On the other hand, the PV prevents the quick evaporation and requires less water for the green roof. Moreover, measurements have shown that the biodiversity of the green roof increases at the place which is in shadow from the PV.

No, if you are a household consumer. If it is a company, you have the right to do so, but you will not be integrated into the special program for buildings that we describe, but to the regime of enhancement provided by the laws 3468/06 and 3734/09. According to these laws, for up to 20 KWp, you don’t need to get a license and you can sell the electric power produced to the DESMIE for 0,45 €/kWh, a price that is guaranteed for 20 years.

Every kWh produced from PV and not from conventional polluting fuels, helps to avoid the emission of about 1 kg 12 carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. A common PV system of 1 kW prevents every year the emission of 1,3 tons of Carbon dioxide, a quantity that 2,000m2 of forest would absorb. Moreover, it helps to eliminate the emissions of other dangerous pollutants (as the suspended small particles, the nitrogen oxides, sulphur compound etc). The carbon dioxide emissions lead to the greenhouse phenomenon and change the Earth climate, while the air pollution has serious consequences in both health and environment.